We are BiDirection

BiDirection is a media technology agency with focus on web streaming services, media management and integrated media solutions. Our field of work consists of system development and management consulting, where communications in various forms is the core of BiDirection.

We build our network by creating great relationships with and between our clients and partners. BiDirection is a team player serving the client throughout the process. The key is that we see our technical expertise in a broader perspective in which our solutions make a difference.

The company was founded in 2007 and has since then grown into its role as consulting company in the communications technology sector. From our experience in the IT industry  we noticed the increased need for good communication, which has led to what BiDirection is today, a provider of advanced technology solutions in media and communications.

BiDirection was founded on the idea of mutual benefits, where our colleagues share our philosophy in sharing knowledge, experience and personal skills.
Read more about mutual benefits by BiDirection.
